I’m sorry, did you say it’s July?
What a year it’s been
It’s crazy how much time passes when we don’t focus on the clock. I want to be consistent with these blog posts and create a flow so you can see how things are operating in the Locksmiths’ camp; but I think the last time we spoke was back in October. I’m trying to remember all that’s happened since then, but with the year we’ve all had, everything is blurry. I know the winter was packed with stress-inducing scheduling as well as a sigh of relief from ending the four year barrage of the previous administration. I think that’s when I began seeing the light leading back into some sort of “distorted normalcy”. Everything didn’t seem so bleak.
In March, I played my first real gig, in person and maskless (thank you vaccine), at Stella & Fly. If you remember, that was the last place I played before we went into lockdown. I cried. The feeling of playing music with a real crowd is incomparable and having missed it for a year was earth shattering. I didn’t care if they cheered, applauded, yelled, or heckled; having their spirit and their warmth across from me felt right. Unfortunately, I couldn’t maintain the consistent digital livestream performances like some of my friends, and that may be why returning to live music hit me so hard.
After getting vaccinated in March we slowly began testing the waters of the outside world. I was able to book a couple gigs playing with Christian and I made some real progress with the new EP. Krissy and I have also taken on the overwhelming task of trying to buy a house (I don’t know if I’m allowed to talk about it). Alice finished their Sophomore year with flying colors and Anna graduated from Pre-K.
I had the good fortune of seeing some friends at live shows in the last few weeks. I caught E. W. and Niall’s show at Pete’s Candy Store, and Olivia’s (with Larry and Mike) at Skinny Dennis.
BCF Reunion
Clockwise: Niall, Chris Q., Robert, and E. W.
OEL at Skinny
Larry, Olivia, and Mike
What’s Next?
We’re now in the middle of the Summer and it seems like New York is open for business in regards to live music. We had a fabulous time seeing a lot of our friends at the 8th Annual Porch Stomp on Governor’s Island. There was a bit of rain, but I think we managed to pull off a decent set despite that. We’ve managed to put some more shows on the calendar including a bill with Pete Mancini at Pete’s Candy Store at the end of August and a bill with Leland Sundries and Nico Padden at the Silo Barn in Brookhaven at the end of September. The EP is on a slight delay as we’re now shifting focus to housing, but I’m hoping for a release early next year.
I guess that catches you up. Sorry for the long-winded blog post. I know I’ve rambled a bit, but I think it’s actually good therapy for me. We really do hope to see you soon at one of our upcoming shows, especially since we haven’t been able to see each other for over a year. You’re also more than welcome to sign up for the mailing list, stream our songs on all the platforms, and/or tell all your friends about one/many of our songs you like. We miss you and we can’t wait to see you again!
Robert & Krissy