Are you there god? It's us, The Locksmiths.
Well, it’s certainly been a minute.
I believe the last time we spoke was early March and the entire universe hadn’t caved in on itself yet. Look at us now. Nothing makes sense anymore. But all isn’t lost. Our family has managed to binge more television in the last 7 months than we have in the last 7 years. We’ve also been working on a garden that we started in the backyard of my mother’s house. The tomatoes are coming in quite nicely. I can’t speak for the rest of the planted items though.
Everyone in our house can also recite any scene from Hamilton verbatim. It gets especially funny (worrisome?) when our four-year-old repeats some of the more vivid lyrics. It’s safe to say Hamilton has become a household staple. And something I’m really excited about is I’ve been hand sewing a Nudie Suit. I’ve wanted to do it for a long time, and I realize that sounds a bit confusing. A Nudie Suit is an elaborate, rhinestone covered suit often worn by country music performers. I’ve always wanted one so I’m using this time to make my own.
As for the music, it’s been difficult finding time to sit and try to write. I’ve been back at the day job since mid-May and that’s taken a toll on my emotional currency. I usually make an effort to think of melodies and lyrics on the drives to and from work, but the real craftwork feels too laborsome by the time I’ve recovered from the day. I miss my friends. I miss getting together with bandmates to rehearse for a show or even playing a show. I miss the smell of a beer-stained floor mixed with sweat. I miss a lot.
But it’s important to keep all of these things in perspective. I’m actually playing my first live show in seven months on Saturday for the 7th Annual Porch Stomp Festival on Governor’s Island. Precautionary measures have been taken and masks will be required for everyone so that’s great. I’m psyched to see friends and to perform for a real audience which is why I’m treating this moment like a small light in a tumultuous tunnel. I know we’re not out of the woods yet and that things can get worse before they get better, but I’m staying optimistic.
Despite my previous summarization, we are actually working on new music (albeit slowly), and hope to have something out for you really soon. We hope that you’re staying safe wherever you are and doing something that makes you happy. We can’t wait to see you again. Hopefully sooner rather than later.
All the best,
Robert & Krissy